Acmena smithii 'minor'

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Acmena smithii Minor

Acmena smithii Minor is a smaller growing, bushier form of the lilly pilly. It has attractive bronze coloured new growth with the older leaves a dark shiny green. Acmena smithii Minor has fluffy creamy-white flowers during summer followed by masses of brightly coloured berries. This is a tried and tested variety and great for thick hedges either formal or informal.

Acmena smithii Minor is ideal for hedges, screens and as a shelter plant or just used as a general plant in the garden.

Acmena smithii Minor performs best in deep, loamy soils in a partially shaded to sunny position although it can handle a range of conditions. Best to avoid wet and poorly drained soils.

Acmena smithii Minor responds well to pruning and clipping and is fantastic as a thick screening hedge or to block out the neighbours as it responds well to hard pruning and is very long lived. Fertilise in autumn and spring with a native slow release fertiliser.

Height: To 5m (can be pruned to any height)

Width: 2-3m
Foliage colour: Green with bronze new growth
Flower Colour: Cream
Flower time: Spring / Summer
Fruit colour: Pink to red
Habit: Medium shrub
Spacing: 1m for a quick hedge
Position: Full sun to shade